Sanctuary Model

We are all broken…

…that’s how the light gets in…

With the desire to improve the effectiveness of our services, Children’s Home of Lubbock became a Sanctuary© Certified Agency in November of 2017. Utilizing trauma-responsive principles and a model which addresses the needs of the entire agency, Sanctuary© is based on the idea that healing from trauma, stress, and adversity requires creating an environment that promotes healing for all.

Sanctuary Changes the Lives of Children

At its core, Sanctuary© at Children’s Home promotes safety and recovery through the active creation of a trauma-informed community. It is the goal of the Home to provide the best possible care for children, and Sanctuary’s© commitment to an environment of healing does just that.

The Sanctuary Model© involves every individual at the Home: children, direct-care staff, office workers, foster parents, and even board members.

Sanctuary© has taught us to ask not, “What’s wrong with you?” but instead to look at that child’s trauma history and ask, “What happened to you?”

The boys and girls at The Children’s Home are taught to regain control by rescripting behavior and embracing the opportunity to implement the appropriate behavior.

To learn more about the Sanctuary Model©, click here.

Read about the Seven Sanctuary Commitments

Manifesting Christ through excellence in childcare.


4404 Idalou Road Lubbock, TX 79403
