Young Mother Program

The Young Mother Program is a Safe Place

Here at the Children’s Home of Lubbock, we know how precious family is and how vulnerable family bonds are. When young women in our care are mothers or will become mothers during their stay with us, we prioritize providing them with the time, effort, and resources to be successful now, for the rest of their lives, and in their children’s lives. We want families to remain intact; our Young Mothers Program allows families to stay together.

Being an underage mother is difficult in the best of circumstances. Our goal is to keep young moms and their children safe, healthy, at peace, and full of joy. We create an environment where they can both feel secure and learn in a family-positive, free-from-judgment space, acknowledging the importance of their connection and encouraging a brighter future.

Teen Mothers Can Live with Their Children

Ours was one of the first programs to keep young women with their children as a priority. We have a campus and living environment that provides support, encouragement, and educational focus. We offer a space where young women can build their future success and independence.

We always promote healthy parent-child relationships. We can and have helped families with severe medical and special needs through this program. The care we provide is designed for each unique family’s needs. Our staff is specially trained to help with basic tasks and more specialized undertakings. Our families live in a specially designed facility with more independence for their dietary preferences, including cooking family meals. Their living space is private and home-like. Our specially designed spaces foster greater independence to grow family traditions and connections.

Lifelong Skills

We want families to be successful! Our moms have access to comprehensive educational resources, and our trained staff provides stable care for the children while moms pursue the skills they need to provide for their family’s future. We teach cooking, budgeting, health and wellness, and parenting classes to give our moms a head start on their future.

Manifesting Christ through excellence in childcare.


4404 Idalou Road Lubbock, TX 79403
